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Posted In: Coin News | November 27, 2019
where to sell old coins

This is the most common question people have.  It’s also a very common search on google.  To begin we should ask; what’s your goal in selling coins?  Is it to get the most money for what you are selling?  If so then the answer is both.  Online or local, depending on who pays the most money for your coins.  You want to deal with a reputable firm, if the company is trustworthy then it doesn’t matter if they are located near you.  It only matters that they are a trustworthy gold, silver coin buyer.  In fact all of the largest coins buyers buy from around the country via their internet presence.  With insured and tracked shipping being as easy, cost effective & common as it is, the process is safe and secure, providing that the company is trustworthy. 

Dealing with Local Coin Buyers:

Local buyer should give you cash instantly, it’s the one advantage they offer.  If getting cash, then you just need to make sure you are getting fair value for your coins.  If they give you a check, you need to make sure they have been around for a long time and have good reviews. There are thousands of physical locations that buy coins across the country, coin shops, jewelry stores, pawn shops, antique stores etc.  In fact it’s for this reason that we have created a free nationwide directory of local coin buyers, coin dealers and gold & silver buyers available here:  using this search will help you identify local alternatives.  There are many reputable coin shops who will treat you fairly and give you fair value for your coins.  Check reviews, and make sure you go in armed with knowledge of what you believe the coins are worth.  In fact use our Free Coin purchase offer feature, it allows you to get (email or print) free real time cash offers for the coins you are looking to sell, bring the offer with you to the local dealer and this way you have a better idea of what they should pay you.  If they don’t match the price, we will buy them.  For instance, if they offer you $100.00 for the same coins we offer $175 on, tell them that you have a higher offer, in fact feel free to show them the offer. They should immediately realize that you are knowledgeable and raise their offer.  But if they don’t match the offer remember we will buy them 

We have heard that some local dealers try to scare people from selling to nationwide buyers like us by saying things like:  It’s very expensive to ship the coins, how do you know if they will pay you, it’s a scam, I would never ship my coins etc.  These are just some of scare tactics they use to try to get you to sell to them for less.  In fact almost every coin dealer buys coins from across the country and sells across the county.  The issue is that the rise of large national coin buyers like has increased the competition and reduced the profit margins that they were used to, and they are not happy about it.  

Dealing with online nationwide old gold and silver coin buyers:

Just because someone puts up a website, does not make them a nationwide coin buyer.  Look for telltale signs like real time spot price feeds, quality website, quality graphics, phone numbers, address, social media presence, free offers, real time price quotes, helpful content, industry articles & news, sitemap, professional advertising etc.  Also just like with local buyers, you should have more than 1 offer, again feel free to use of Cash for Coins Offer tool to get a price comparison.  Call the phone number during business hours see who answers, see who they may be affiliated with as many of the large ones are affiliated with brick and mortar businesses.  Email them, see who responds and how fast.  You would be surprised with how different the offers will be.  For example below is an actual recent email from a future customer of

“I bought 100 mercury dimes and a roll of pre 65 Washington quarters. I picked thru it and want to get some cost back and sell the 86 mercs and 36 wash quarters. I sent them to sell your gold and they offered $71 to your $190+ offer. got them up to $113 using your offer as leverage. Naturally I requested they send them back. When they arrive I would like to call and maybe do some business. That is the only reason I am not hitting the I accept your offer button now…”

Conclusion when selling coins online: Do your homework!  When you are looking to sell or monetize hard assets like gold, silver, old coins or bullion, your homework will pay off quite literally.  It will only take minutes, but the difference will be real money. 

Often the best price for gold & silver coins is available online from national coin buyers like Research can make you thousands of dollars more than the price that was offered locally. For Free estimates & offers visit our Custom & Rare Coin Offers Page

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