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Posted In: Coin News | Sell Coins | November 21, 2019
old Gold coins what are they worth

We have received many inquiries from our customers and Cash for Coins Facebook followers looking for a single page as a reference for most Gold coins.  They wanted it to show real-time prices also known as Bid Prices for Gold coins in various conditions.  Well we have listened and acted on your requests.  We are happy to announce the launch of our Real Time Gold Coin Bid price page.  Users can view actual bid prices for most common Gold coins in one place.  In addition, if they click on the coin name or type they can enter the quantity and condition and be presented with an instant cash purchase offer. 

How people can use the Gold Coin Bid Price page:

  1. To see real time values for the Gold coins they are looking to sell or to get an understanding of their worth for estate planning, estate selling, insurance etc.
  2. To See real time Gold coin offer prices when they are looking to buy Gold coins, this way if the coins you are looking at buying are significantly higher (over 15%-20%) bid prices beware. 
  3. If you go to a local coin shop, local jewelry store or local gold and silver buyers, you can have an immediate competitive price to reference.  In fact, if their prices are lower (and they usually are) show them our prices actual prices we would pay you to help make sure they are competitive and thus help you get the highest price for your Gold coins.

This new addition is another effort on our part to help ensure that people get fair value for their Gold & silver coins and bullion.  Of course we hope that we can buy your coins, but we also understand that some people require a local solution.  Thus, even if we don’t end up buying your coins, but we do help you get the highest prices from others we are happy. Our fair real time Gold Coin Bid page will help you achieve the highest prices for selling old Gold coins.

For a free list of local coin buyers, coin dealers and gold & silver buyers visit:

Often the best price for gold & silver coins is available online from national coin buyers like Research can make you thousands of dollars more than the price that was offered locally. For Free estimates & offers visit our Custom & Rare Coin Offers Page

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